Probability Distribution Calculator

This Shiny app calculates a cumulative probability (given a quantile) or a quantile (given a cumulative probability) for binomial, continuous uniform, normal and t distributions.

For a random variable with a given distribution, a quantile is the value from the distribution such that the probability of being less than or equal to it is a specified probability. Select the Quantile tab to find a quantile given a probability. Select the Probability tab to find a probability given a quantile.

This app was adapted from R Tricks for Kids (external link, opens in new window).

Download the Shiny app files (.zip)
Required R packages: shiny, grid

Screenshot of the Shiny app:

Screenshot of Distribution Calculator app

Probability Distribution Tables

Tables of probability distributions are available at the links below:

The Normal and t Distribution Tables were obtained from OpenIntro Statistics (external link, opens in new window) and are licensed under the Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0 license.